- Date:
- Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014, 2 p.m. — Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014, 10 p.m. CT
- Location:
- Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, TX, United States
- Event ID:
- E004684

TECHCON 2014 was a great success thanks to the SRC students, industry, faculty, and staff that attended this year's event.
Invited speakers provided exciting and varied information for all TECHCON attendees. David Berz, LinkedIn, started Sunday evening with a look at using LinkedIn to jump start the students technical careers. Dr. Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, kicked the conference into high gear on Monday morning with his opening keynote presentation on communicating and connecting with others. Ajit Manocha, Strategic Advisor to GLOBALFOUNDRIES, finished Monday evening by addressing students and sharing his experiences during his talk entitled "From Class Room to Clean Room to the Board Room".
There were also awards recognizing excellence within the SRC community. 2014 TAB and SACC Chairs and the 2014 Mahboob Khan Outstanding Liaison Awards were presented at Monday evening’s Conference Banquet. The 2014 Technical Excellence Award was presented to Professor Ken Goodson, Stanford University. The 2014 Aristotle Award was presented to Professor Dimitri Antoniadis, MIT. Best in Session Awards and the URO Best Poster Awards were presented at Tuesday’s Awards Dinner, the final event of TECHCON 2014. Winners are recognized below. You can also check out the event on Facebook to see more photos.
TECHCON attendees from SRC member companies are able to download presentations by session.
Best in Session Winners
- Session 1 - Circuit Design with Emerging Devices
- 1.2 STARnet
Integrating Emerging Devices and CMOS Towards Efficient Cellular Neural NetworksThomas C. Jackson (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
- Session 2 - System Verification
- 2.2 STARnet
Verifying Memory Consistency for Heterogeneous ArchitecturesDaniel J. Lustig (Princeton)
- Session 3 - Beyond Cu
- 3.4 GRC
Ni and Ti Coating on Cu Surfaces: Reduced Metal ResistivityPengyuan Zheng (RPI)
- Session 4 - CMOS Devices and Processes 1
- 4.2 GRC
The Effects of InGaAs(110) and (001) Surface Cleans on the Nucleation of Low Temperature HfO(2) ALDTyler Kent (UC/San Diego)
- Session 5 - Circuit Design: Analog/RF
- 5.3 GRC
An Ultra Low Power Multiband WBAN Transmitter Using a Novel ILO Based ModulatorMustafijur Rahman (Univ. of Minnesota)
- Session 6 - System Design Tools
- 6.5 STARnet
Integrated Functional and Formal Modeling for Medical Device SoftwareZhihao Jiang (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
- Session 7 - Cu/Low-k Scaling and Reliability
- 7.5 GRC
3-Dimensional Profile Simulation in Plasma EtchingYiting Zhang (Univ. of Michigan)
- Session 8 - CMOS Devices and Processes 2
- 8.1 GRC
Strategies for Maximizing Activation of Si in InGaAsAaron G. Lind (Univ. of Florida)
- Session 9 - Circuit Design: Statistical Methods
- 9.4 GRC
PVT-Variation Tolerant True Random Number Generator with On-chip Statistical TestsVikram Suresh (UMass/Amherst)
- Session 10 - Test
- 10.4 GRC
Enhancing Structural Test with Probabilistic Functional InformationFanchen Zhang (SMU)
- Session 11 - Packaging Materials and Reliability
- 11.1 GRC
Interfacial Cracks and Crack 'Jumping' in Intermetallic Rich MicrobumpsYuvraj Singh (Purdue)
- Session 12 - Patterning 1
- 12.3 GRC
Pattern Design for Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers by Computational Evolutionary StrategyGurdaman Khaira (Univ. of Chicago)
- Session 13 - Circuit Design: High Speed
- 13.1 GRC
A Low Power, Sub-Harmonic Injection Locked Receiver for mm-Wave Beamforming ApplicationsPawan Agarwal (Washington State)
- Session 14 - 2D Devices and Materials
- 14.3 STARnet
Improving Contact Resistance in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Field Effect TransistorsChristopher D. English (Stanford)
- Session 15 - 3D
- 15.5 GRC
A Virtual Integration Platform for 3DIC Design Space ExplorationWilliam Wahby (Georgia Tech, Intel Fnd/SRCEA Fellow)
- Session 16 - Patterning 2
- 16.5 GRC
Selective ALD for Etch-free Patterning: Tungsten Nucleation, Growth, and Inhibition on Si:H and SiO(2)Berc Kalanyan (NC State)
- Session 17 - System Design: Security and Memory
- 17.4 STARnet
SpecEC: Speculative Error Correction for Unreliable Low V(min) On-Chip MemoriesHenry Duwe (UIUC)
- Session 18 - Analog Design Tools
- 18.3 GRC
Impact of the Process Variation in Inductive Integrated Voltage RegulatorsMonodeep Kar (Georgia Tech)
- Session 19 - Modeling
- 19.3 GRC
Effect of Hydrogen Contamination on Ferroelectricity in Ferroelectric Thin FilmsLin Zhu (SMU)
- Session 20 - Graphene Materials and Devices 1
- 20.5 NRI
Oxidized Titanium as a Graphene Gate Dielectric and Its Conduction MechanismsChris M. Corbet (UT/Austin)
- Session 21 - System Design: Architectures and Thermal/Reliability Management
- 21.4 GRC
Lifetime Reliability Characterization and Management of Many-Core ProcessorsWilliam J. Song (Georgia Tech, IBM/GRC Fellow)
- Session 22 - Chip-Package Co-Design
- 22.2 GRC
Linear (Optimal) Complexity Direct Full-Wave Solution of Full-Package Problems Involving over 10 Million Unknowns on a Single ComputerBangda Zhou (Purdue)
- Session 23 - Memory Materials and Devices
- 23.5 GRC
Dynamics of Reversible Current Filamentation: Forming and SwitchingAbhishek A. Sharma (Carnegie Mellon Univ.)
- Session 24 - Graphene Materials and Devices 2
- 24.4 NRI
Carrier Distribution and Negative Compressibility in Graphene-MoS2 HeterostructuresStefano Larentis (UT/Austin)
- Session 25 - System Design: High Level 1
- 25.1 STARnet
Automatic Revisioning of Communication Interfaces for Compositional High-Level Synthesis of SoCsGiuseppe Di Guglielmo (Columbia)
- Session 26 - Circuit Design Tools
- 26.3 GRC
Fast and Accurate Full-chip Extraction and Optimization of TSV-to-Wire CouplingYarui Peng (Georgia Tech)
- Session 27 - Analog and Energy Devices
- 27.1 GRC
Measurements, Modeling, and Simulation of Semiconductor/Gate Dielectric Defects using Random Telegraph SignalsMohamed A. Nour (UT/Arlington)
- Session 28 - Spin Materials and Devices 1
- 28.1 STARnet
A Novel Method to Determine the Spin Hall Angle and Spin Diffusion LengthDanru Qu (Johns Hopkins)
- Session 29 - System Design: High Level 2
- 29.3 STARnet
The Aladdin Approach to Accelerator Design and ModelingYakun Sophia Shao (Harvard Univ.)
- Session 30 - System Design with Sensors
- 30.5 GRC
Multi-Domain Power Delivery System for Microwatt Wireless Sensor NetworksZakir Ahmed (Georgia Tech)
- Session 31 - Metrology and Characterization
- 31.2 GRC
Discovering New Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured SystemsKathy Hoogeboom-Pot (Univ. Colorado/Boulder)
- Session 32 - Spin Materials and Devices 2
- 32.2 STARnet
Electron Transport Parallel to Topological Insulator/Ferromagnet InterfacesTimothy F. Lovorn (UA/Tuscaloosa)
- Conference At-a-Glance
- Sunday7-Sep-2014
- 2:00 - 9:00 PM Registration
- Attendees pickup conference materials Plaza Booth B
- 2:00 - 6:00 PM Student Preparation
- Student Presentation Upload and Poster Setup Rio Grande A
- 6:00 - 7:00 PM Working Session
- Speaker: David Berz, LinkedIn ➔ Rio Grande B
- 7:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner
- Buffet style with open seating Rio Grande B
- 7:00 - 9:00 PM Student Preparation (Continued)
- Student Presentation Upload and Poster Setup Rio Grande A
- Monday8-Sep-2014
- 6:30 - 7:50 AM Breakfast
- Buffet style with open seating Rio Grande B
- 8:00 - 8:45 AM Opening Session
- Speaker: Nido Qubein ➔ Grand Ballroom
- 9:00 - 10:15 AM Sessions 1-4
- 1 Circuit Design with Emerging Devices ➔ San Antonio
- 2 System Verification ➔ San Marcos
- 3 Beyond Cu ➔ Sabine
- 4 CMOS Devices and Processes 1 ➔ Pecos
- 10:15 - 10:30 AM Break
- Coffee, tea and water available Plaza Foyer
- 10:30 - 11:45 AM Sessions 5-8
- 5 Circuit Design: Analog/RF ➔ San Antonio
- 6 System Design Tools ➔ San Marcos
- 7 Cu/Low-k Scaling and Reliability ➔ Sabine
- 8 CMOS Devices and Processes 2 ➔ Pecos
- 11:45 - 1:10 PM TechFair 1
- Posters for Sessions 1-8
- Odd-Numbered URO Posters in TechFair 1 ➔ Rio Grande A
- 1:10 - 2:10 PM Lunch
- Buffet style with open seating Rio Grande B
- 2:10 - 3:25 PM Sessions 9-12
- 9 Circuit Design: Statistical Methods ➔ San Antonio
- 10 Test ➔ San Marcos
- 11 Packaging Materials and Reliability ➔ Sabine
- 12 Patterning 1 ➔ Pecos
- 3:25 - 3:40 PM Break
- Coffee, tea and water available Plaza Foyer
- 3:40 - 4:55 PM Sessions 13-16
- 13 Circuit Design: High Speed ➔ San Antonio
- 14 2D Devices and Materials ➔ San Marcos
- 15 3D ➔ Sabine
- 16 Patterning 2 ➔ Pecos
- 4:55 - 6:20 PM TechFair 2
- Posters for Sessions 9-16
- Even-Numbered URO Posters in TechFair 2 ➔ Rio Grande A
- 6:30 - 7:30 PM Reception
- Drinks and hors d'oeuvres Grand Ballroom Foyer
- 7:30 - 9:00 PM Conference Banquet
- Speaker: Ajit Manocha ➔ Grand Ballroom
- Award Presentations (TAB, Mahboob Khan, Technical Excellence, Aristotle) Grand Ballroom
- Tuesday9-Sep-2014
- 6:30 - 8:00 AM Breakfast
- Buffet style with open seating Rio Grande B
- 8:00 - 9:15 AM Sessions 17-20
- 17 System Design: Security and Memory ➔ San Antonio
- 18 Analog Design Tools ➔ San Marcos
- 19 Modeling ➔ Sabine
- 20 Graphene Materials and Devices 1 ➔ Pecos
- 9:15 - 9:30 AM Break
- Coffee, tea and water available Plaza Foyer
- 9:30 - 10:45 AM Sessions 21-24
- 21 System Design: Architectures and Thermal/Reliability Management ➔ San Antonio
- 22 Chip-Package Co-Design ➔ San Marcos
- 23 Memory Materials and Devices ➔ Sabine
- 24 Graphene Materials and Devices 2 ➔ Pecos
- 10:45 - 12:10 PM TechFair 3
- Posters for Sessions 17-24
- Odd-Numbered URO Posters in TechFair 3 ➔ Rio Grande A
- 12:10 - 1:10 PM Lunch
- Buffet style with open seating Rio Grande B
- 1:10 - 2:25 PM Sessions 25-28
- 25 System Design: High Level 1 ➔ San Antonio
- 26 Circuit Design Tools ➔ San Marcos
- 27 Analog and Energy Devices ➔ Sabine
- 28 Spin Materials and Devices 1 ➔ Pecos
- 2:25 - 2:40 PM Break
- Coffee, tea and water available Plaza Foyer
- 2:40 - 3:55 PM Sessions 29-32
- 29 System Design: High Level 2 ➔ San Antonio
- 30 System Design with Sensors ➔ San Marcos
- 31 Metrology and Characterization ➔ Sabine
- 32 Spin Materials and Devices 2 ➔ Pecos
- 3:55 - 5:20 PM TechFair 4
- Posters for Sessions 25-32
- Even-Numbered URO Posters in TechFair 4 ➔ Rio Grande A
- 5:30 - 7:00 PM Career Connections
- Networking for students and company recruiters Grand Ballroom
- 7:00 - 9:00 PM Dinner
- Presentation of Best in Session Awards Rio Grande B
Opening Keynote Session
- Executive Leader & Entrepreneur, Dr. Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, will be discussing communicating and connecting in a technical environment
Banquet Keynote Address
- Ajit Manocha, Senior Strategic Advisor, GLOBALFOUNDRIES (Retired CEO of GLOBALFOUNDRIES)
Sunday Evening Working Session
- David Berz, GLOBAl Learning Leader, LinkedIn
Name | Organization |
Aadithya, Karthik | University of California, Berkeley |
Abdel-Khalek, Rawan | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Acevedo, Ruben | University of California, Los Angeles |
Agarwal, Ankur | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Agarwal, Pawan | Washington State University |
Ahmed, Zakir | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Aksanli, Baris | University of California, San Diego |
Alapati, Ramakanth | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Alhammadi, Mohamed | Arizona State University |
Alshamsi, Taryam R. | Masdar University Of Science And Technology |
Alvarado, Claudia | Texas State University |
Annevelink, Emil J. | University of California, Berkeley |
Anthonio, Bryan | Cornell University |
Antoniadis, Dimitri A. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Aravamudhan, Shyam | North Carolina A&T State University |
Arends, John H. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Arora, Mohit | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Aslani, Marjan | Stanford University |
Atanasov, Sarah | North Carolina State University |
Augustine, Charles | Intel Corporation |
Badrudduza, Sayeed A. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Bae, Sangtae J. | IBM Corporation |
Bai, Wubin | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Bajaj, Nikunj | University of California, Berkeley |
Baumgartner, Jason | IBM Corporation |
Behin-Aein, Behtash | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Bentley, Steven | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Berigei, Rajesh R. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Berz, David | |
Bhadra, Jayanta | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Bi, Xiangyu | Arizona State University |
Bodrero, Marisella | ON Semiconductor |
Bourianoff, George I. | Intel Corporation |
Bragg, Nina A. | Purdue University |
Branson, Brian | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Bromell, Pamela J. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Bullard, Travis | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Burns, Branden P. | Purdue University |
Butcher, Matthew W. | University of Texas at Austin |
Byers, Erik | Micron Technology, Inc. |
Campbell, Adero | Bennett College |
Candelaria, Jonathan J. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Cao, Linjun | University of Texas at Austin |
Carrington, Nichelle'Le | North Carolina A&T State University |
Carulli, John | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Case, Lawrence L. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Castaneda, Jason M. | Oregon State University |
Ceyhan, Ahmet | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Cha, Eunho | University of North Texas |
Chakrabarty, Krishnendu | Duke University |
Chakraborty, Sudipto | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Chan, Kelvin | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Chang, Kevin K. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Chaubey, Saurabh | University of Minnesota |
Chen, An | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Chen, Christine P. | Columbia University |
Chen, Nina | Simmons College |
Chen, Wen | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Chen, Yu-Ting | University of California, Los Angeles |
Cher, Chen-Yong | IBM Corporation |
Chindalore, Gowrishankar | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Cho, Minsik | IBM Corporation |
Choi, Jinwoo | IBM Corporation |
Chou, Derek | University of California, Berkeley |
Chou, Harry | University of Texas at Austin |
Choudhury, Faraz | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Chowdhury, Sk. | University of Texas at Austin |
Chung, Jayhoon | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Clement, Teresa | RTX Corporation |
Clewell, Lee Ann | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Colburn, Matthew E. | IBM Corporation |
Colombo, Luigi | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Connelly, Michael D. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Contreras, Gustavo K. | University of Connecticut |
Corbet, Chris M. | University of Texas at Austin |
Corey, Ryan M. | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Costanza, Adam D. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Cunningham, Jeff | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Dagher, Rafik | IBM Corporation |
Datiri, Ninrat B. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Daverse, Chris A. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
De Paula, Flavio M. | IBM Corporation |
Deutsch, Sergej | Duke University |
Dhar, Ashutosh | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Di, Jia | University of Arkansas - Fayetteville |
Di Guglielmo, Giuseppe | Columbia University |
Dickens, Jennifer | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Doering, Robert R. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Donmez, Mehmet A. | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Driver, Marcus | University of North Texas |
Duan, Yan | Iowa State University |
Dukovic, John O. | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Duncan, Dan | Stanford University |
Dunn, Jeff | Intel Corporation |
Duwe, Henry | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Ebrish, Mona A. | University of Minnesota |
Echtenkamp, Will | University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Eckermann, Ben | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Edwards, W. Dale | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Ehrett, Pete | Carnegie Mellon University |
Elbaz, Giselle | Columbia University |
El-Hadidy, Osama M. | Texas A&M University - College Station |
Elliott, Jim | Siemens EDA |
Elwart, Tessa | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Emanuel, Shameeka | Intel Corporation |
Empante, Thomas A. | University of California, Riverside |
Engel, Jesse H. | University of California, Berkeley |
English, Christopher D. | Stanford University |
Faiers, Leslie | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Fallahazad, Babak | University of Texas at Austin |
Fan, Yanli | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Fang, Jingtian | University of Texas at Dallas |
Felix, Ernest | Intel Corporation |
Field, Ryan M. | Intel Corporation |
Flores, Samantha A. | University of Notre Dame |
Francisco, Daniel | Francisco Group |
Ganguly, Samiran | Purdue University |
Garner, Kathryn | Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) |
Gattiker, Anne E. | IBM Corporation |
Geddes, Shannon | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Gemma, Kelley | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Ghosh, Bahniman | University of Texas at Austin |
Ghosh, Pradiptya | Siemens EDA |
Gong, Yongji | Rice University |
Gonzales, Lynda | University of Texas at Austin |
Goodson, Kenneth E. | Stanford University |
Goodwin, Brianna M. | Oregon State University |
Gullapalli, Kiran Kumar | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Guo, Shita | Southern Methodist University |
Gutierrez, Manuel | Purdue University |
Gyurcsik, Ronald S. | RTX Corporation |
Hadi, Yeshar I. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Hansen, Ken | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Haran, Arvind | University of Utah |
Hardie, Brandon T. | University of Idaho |
Havemann, Robert H. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Hayat, Jeffery H. | University of South Carolina |
He, Hao | Texas A&M University - College Station |
He, Huanyu | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
He, Ming | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Hewaparakrama, Jayan S. | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Hill, Megan O. | Cornell University |
Hillenius, Steven | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Hills, Gage | Stanford University |
Hilsmier, Stuart W. | Purdue University |
Hofstee, H. Peter | IBM Corporation |
Hoogeboom-Pot, Kathy | University of Colorado at Boulder |
Horvath, Amber I. | Oregon State University |
Hosack, Harold H. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Hsieh, Kuo-Kai | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Hu, Yue | Oregon State University |
Huang, Chenhui | Rice University |
Huang, Xin | University of California, Riverside |
Huerta, Martin E. | University of Texas at Austin |
Hunter, Jennifer | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Hyatt, Christopher R. | Intel Corporation |
Ilatikhameneh, Hesameddin | Purdue University |
Imperiale, Ilaria | University of Bologna |
Islam, Sharnali | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Jackson, Thomas C. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Jacob, Ajey P. | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Jacobs, Alan G. | Cornell University |
Jacobson, Alex | Portland State University |
Jamali, Mahdi | University of Minnesota |
Janakiram, Mani | Intel Corporation |
Jayaraman, Vidyasagar (Visa) | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Jiang, Tengfei | University of Texas at Austin |
Jiang, Zhihao | University of Pennsylvania |
Jiao, Dan | Purdue University |
Johnson, James A. | Intel Corporation |
Joyner, William H. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Junker, Kurt | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Kahne, Brian C. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Kalanyan, Berc | North Carolina State University |
Kale, Greyson M. | University of Texas at Austin |
Kan, Jimmy | Qualcomm |
Kang, Mingu | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Kani, Nickvash | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Kantlehner, Paul | Elon University |
Kar, Monodeep | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Karn, Rupesh R. | Masdar University Of Science And Technology |
Karpov, Ilya V. | Intel Corporation |
Katz, Joseph | Stanford University |
Kayler, Mandy | Micron Technology, Inc. |
Kazi, Haseeb | University of North Texas |
Kazior, Thomas | RTX Corporation |
Kemp, Kevin G. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Kent, Tyler | University of California, San Diego |
Kestenbaum, Ari | Cornell University |
Khaira, Gurdaman | University of Chicago |
Khalil, Justin E. | Cornell University |
Khan, Asif | University of California, Berkeley |
Kiehlbauch, Mark W. | Micron Technology, Inc. |
Kilani, Dima M. | Khalifa University |
Kim, Dong Hun | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Kim, Eric | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Kim, Jongyeon | University of Minnesota |
Kim, Sang-Jin | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Kim, Yusung | Purdue University |
Klemm Smith, Angeline | University of Minnesota |
Kodippily, Sandhya | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Koerber, Jasmine | Bennett College |
Koester, Steven | University of Minnesota |
Kosaraju, Karshak | University of North Carolina at Greensboro |
Kramer, Steve | Micron Technology, Inc. |
Krivokapic, Zoran | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Kumar, Raghavan | University of Massachusetts at Amherst |
Kumar, Vachan | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Kummel, Andrew | University of California, San Diego |
Kwong, Joyce | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Labak, Amelia | Lehigh University |
Lahsene, Adrian M. | Portland State University |
Lakomski, Gregory | Intel Corporation |
Larentis, Stefano | University of Texas at Austin |
Le, Long | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Lee, Joon Sue | Pennsylvania State University |
Lee, Sanghoon | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Lee, Woojoo | University of Southern California |
Leonard, Michael | University of Arkansas - Fayetteville |
Li, Chong | University of Washington |
Li, Meng | University of Texas at Austin |
Li, Xuan | University of Minnesota |
Li, You | Iowa State University |
Liff, Shawna | Intel Corporation |
Lin, Ming-Ren | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Lind, Aaron G. | University of Florida |
Liu, Hung-Yi | Columbia University |
Liu, Junjun | Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) |
Liu, Wei | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Liu, Yu Hao | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Lomenzo, Patrick D. | University of Florida |
Lovorn, Timothy F. | University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa |
Lu, I-Hsi D. | University of California, Riverside |
Lustig, Daniel J. | Princeton University |
Madisetti, Shailesh Kumar | University at Albany - SUNY |
Mahajan, Ravi V. | Intel Corporation |
Mahmood, Zohaib | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Mak, T. M. | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Manocha, Ajit | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Mathew, Varughese | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
McAboy, Edward | University of California, Los Angeles |
McConnell, Allen B. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
McGirt, Alexander L. | University of North Carolina/Pembroke |
Meghani, Sana | University of Texas at Austin |
Mehta, Ruchit | Purdue University |
Men, Liang | University of Arkansas - Fayetteville |
Merzbacher, Celia I. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Mitra, Joydeep | Siemens EDA |
Molina, Emilio | Portland State University |
Mony, Hari | IBM Corporation |
Moore, James E. | Purdue University |
Moosa, Suhail | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Morgan, Mark W. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Morrison, Gary R. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Mostafavi, Mahkamehossadat | Arizona State University |
Mueller, Brennen K. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Mukherjee, Parijat | Texas A&M University - College Station |
Mulvaney, Brian | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Murnane, Margaret | University of Colorado at Boulder |
Musisi-nkambwe, Mirembe | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Nagaraj, Krishnaswamy | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Naghibi Alvillar, Sahar | University of California, Riverside |
Nahlus, Ihab | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Nejad, Layla | University of Texas at Austin |
Nesro, Mohammed Shemsu | Masdar University Of Science And Technology |
Ng, Kwok | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Nguyen, Luu | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Nicaise, Samuel M. | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Nichols, Mary | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Nilles, Jeff L. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Ning, Tak H. | IBM Corporation |
Nishida, Toshikazu | University of Florida |
Norman, Jaminah C. | Bennett College |
Nour, Mohamed A. | University of Texas at Arlington |
Novo, Julio C. | University of Texas at Austin |
Nuckolls, Ed | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Obeng, Yaw | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Olah, Michael G. | Pennsylvania State University |
Olivera, Diego F. | University of California, Berkeley |
Onsongo, David | IBM Corporation |
Opathella, Bhanu | Ryerson Polytechnic University |
Osborne, Alexander M. | University of California, Berkeley |
Pan, Chenyun | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Paranjothy, Sai Sudharsanan | Purdue University |
Parekh, Kunal R. | Micron Technology, Inc. |
Parikh, Ritesh | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Park, Jong Seok | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Park, Jun Hong | University of California, San Diego |
Park, Rebecca | Stanford University |
Park, Sang Wook | University of California, San Diego |
Parrish, Kristen N. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Paruthi, Viresh | IBM Corporation |
Patil, Srinivas | Intel Corporation |
Patra, Priyadarsan | Intel Corporation |
Pearse, Jeffrey | ON Semiconductor |
Peeler, Elizabeth | Consultant |
Peixoto Chopra, Tatiana | University of Texas at Dallas |
Peng, Yarui | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Peterson, Annika | Carnegie Mellon University |
Pham, Calvin D. | University of California, Los Angeles |
Pham, Nam | IBM Corporation |
Pigott, John | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Pimentel, Jon | University of California, Davis |
Pixley, Lynda-Jo | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Preil, Moshe E. | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Printz, Wallace | Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) |
Provinchain, Adam | University of California, Los Angeles |
Putna, Ernisse S. | Intel Corporation |
Qi, Zhengqing | University of Pennsylvania |
Qu, Danru | Johns Hopkins University |
Qubein, Nido R. | High Point University |
Raghavan, Sathyanarayanan | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Rahman, Mustafijur | University of Minnesota |
Rahmani, Samantha E. | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Rakamaric, Zvonimir | University of Utah |
Rakheja, Shaloo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Ramirez, Isabella | Purdue University |
Rangan, Sanjay | Intel Corporation |
Rawat, Shishpal | Intel Corporation |
Read, Bill | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Ren, Haoxing | IBM Corporation |
Ren, He | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Rey, Juan C. | Siemens EDA |
Rich, MaryLisabeth | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Rios, Rafael | Intel Corporation |
Roach, Kathryn | Cornell University |
Rodriguez-Ariza, Esteban | Portland State University |
Roll, Mark F. | University of Idaho |
Rottman, Jeffrey | Intel Corporation |
Roy, Subhendu | University of Texas at Austin |
Russell, Noel M. | Tokyo Electron Limited (TEL) |
Ryan, Michael | Intel Corporation |
Sa, Yoonki | University of Texas at Arlington |
Saadat, Irfan A. | Masdar University Of Science And Technology |
Sadi, Mehdi Z. | University of Connecticut |
Saha, Sayan | University of Texas at Austin |
Sahu, Bhagawan | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Sajjad, Redwan N. | University of Virginia, Charlottesville |
Salmani Jelodar, Mehdi | Purdue University |
Samal, Sandeep K. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Samnakay, Rameez R. | University of California, Riverside |
Sane, Sandeep | Intel Corporation |
Sankman, Joseph A. | University of Texas at Dallas |
Schalck, Hannah L. | Simmons College |
Scherbarth, Austin D. | Purdue University |
Schmidt, Jonah L. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Schumm, Rebecca | Purdue University |
Shao, Yakun Sophia | Harvard University |
Shapiro, Michael | IBM Corporation |
Sharma, Abhishek A. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Shaver, Christopher | University of California, Berkeley |
Shelman, Mark | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Shi, Gang | Rice University |
Shofner, Orman Geoff | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Simeonides, Amiras S. | High Point University |
Simonek, Michael D. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Singh, Akhilesh K. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Singh, Yuvraj | Purdue University |
Sivapurapu, Sridhar | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Smith, Jacob K. | Elon University |
Smith, Jeffrey P. | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Smith, Jo Ann | University of Texas at Austin |
Song, Jingyi | University of Texas at Dallas |
Song, William J. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Sorg, Victoria | Cornell University |
Stevens, Scott | Consultant |
Subramanyan, Pramod | Princeton University |
Sukharev, Valeriy | Siemens EDA |
Sultan, Akif | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Sumney, Larry W. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Sun, Peng | University of Houston |
Sun, Shiyu | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Sundareswaran, Savithri | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Suresh, Vikram | University of Massachusetts at Amherst |
Sze, Cliff | IBM Corporation |
Teuscher, Christof | Portland State University |
Theis, Thomas N. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Todsen, Jim | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Tran, Tuyen | Intel Corporation |
Tripp, Marie | Intel Corporation |
Tuan, Chia-Chi | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Tuck, Jonathan E. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Tucker, Chantel A. | Bennett College |
Turkot, Bob | Intel Corporation |
Uehling, Trent S. | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Uzoije, Ikenna C. | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Vandenberghe, William G. | University of Texas at Dallas |
Vandentop, Gilroy J. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Veeraraghavan, Surya | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Venugopal, Archana | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
von Son Palacio, Gretel A. | University of California, Riverside |
Vrotsos, Thomas A. | University of Arkansas - Fayetteville |
Wahbah, Maisam | Khalifa University |
Wahby, William | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Waheed, Khurram | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Wang, Cheng | University of Texas at Austin |
Wang, Hua | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Wang, Xufeng | Purdue University |
Wei, Michael | University of California, San Diego |
Wen, Hua | University of California, Riverside |
Wieser, Jim | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Wilson, Leighton W. | University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa |
Winemberg, LeRoy | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
Withers, B. Edward | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Wolff, Suzanne | GlobalFoundries Inc. |
Wong, Joeson | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Wong, Larry D. | Intel Corporation |
Wu, Di | University of California, Los Angeles |
Wu, Guoying | Southern Methodist University |
Wu, Meng Hsuan | Cornell University |
Wu, Xian | University of Texas at Austin |
Xi, Tianzuo | Southern Methodist University |
Xie, Peng | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Xu, Jian | University of California, San Diego |
Xu, Patricia A. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Yang, Dongqing | Applied Materials, Inc. |
Yates, Daniel | University of Central Florida |
Yeh, David C. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Yi, Ming | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Yilmaz, Ender | Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. |
You, Jeong Ho | Southern Methodist University |
Younkin, Todd | Intel Corporation |
Yu, Bei | University of Texas at Austin |
Zhang, Fanchen | Southern Methodist University |
Zhang, Suki N. | Cornell University |
Zhang, Yiting | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Zhang, Yongxi | Texas Instruments Incorporated |
Zhao, Qiu | University of Texas at Austin |
Zhao, Zhuoran | University of Texas at Austin |
Zheng, Pengyuan | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Zhirnov, Victor V. | Semiconductor Research Corporation |
Zhou, Bangda | Purdue University |
Zhou, Renjie | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Zhu, Lin | Southern Methodist University |
Zoghlin, Eli A. | Carnegie Mellon University |
Zou, Yuan | University of Texas at Dallas |
Date | Event Summary |
September 2014
SRC SRC | Value Chain Technical Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014, 11:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m. CT Austin, TX, United States This meeting will provide an opportunity for member companies to present and compare how they disseminate information about their SRC participation within their own companies. The VCTAB will also review ... |
September 2014
SRC SRC | Student Relations Technical Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014, 9 a.m.–10:30 a.m. CT Austin, TX, United States The SRTAB will review actions from the previous meeting and discuss other agenda items including TECHCON feedback. |