Biography: Jean-François Lutz
Dr. Jean-François Lutz is CNRS research director, deputy director of the Institut Charles Sadron in Strasbourg and head of the Precision Macromolecular Chemistry group. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Montpellier II in 2000 and his habilitation degree from the University of Potsdam in 2009. Before joining the CNRS, he was post-doctoral fellow in the group of Krzysztof Matyjaszewski at Carnegie Mellon University (2001-2003) and afterwards leader of the research group Nanotechnology for Life Science at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (2003-2010). He is author of over 150 publications, listed as co-inventor in about 10 patents and serves as an executive advisory board member for several journals including Chem, Progress in Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, European Polymer Journal and Designed Monomers & Polymers. He received in 2008 the prize of the polymer division of the French Chemical Society. He is also an ERC laureate since 2010 through successive starting (StG 2010) and proofs of concept (PoC 2015) grants. His current research interests include the synthesis of sequence-controlled polymers, single-chain technologies and the preparation of non-natural information-containing macromolecules/