Request for White Papers in Verification
The Semiconductor Research Corporation periodically reviews its research portfolio to assure a balance of university research to meet the needs of SRC member companies. The Computer-Aided Design and Test science area of SRC anticipates being able to add to this work a number of research tasks in verification in 2002. Member needs in this area are outlined in the needs document on the SRC web site. Interested researchers should note the proposal and review schedule below. These steps will permit the funding of projects in September 2002. Following submission of a 1-page white paper in the specified format by April 5, 2002. SRC member company reviewers will select a group from which full, university-approved proposals will be requested by June 14, 2002. (Proposers will be asked to disclose and address any background intellectual property that must be licensed separately to practice the research.) Proposals for funding will be selected from these submissions, with contract starts anticipated September 1, 2002.
White papers should address research with a 3-8 year time horizon, and outline a three-year program. It is estimated that a limited number of contracts, supporting 1-2 students each, will be supported. The calendar for this proposal cycle is as follows:
White Paper and Proposal Timetable | |
Event | Date |
Publication of RFWP | March 8, 2002 |
Deadline to Submit White Papers | April 5, 2002 |
Proposals requested | May 13, 2002 |
Deadline to Submit Proposals | June 14, 2002 |
Contract Awards Announced | August 12, 2002 |
Funding start | September 1, 2002 |
If you know of other interested parties, please feel free to make them aware of this solicitation, which is open to university researchers worldwide..
Please direct all questions to William Joyner, Director of Computer-Aided Design and Test, 919-941-9400,