Call for Research in Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices
Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Global Research Collaboration (GRC) in Device Sciences is soliciting white papers in the area of Analog and Mixed-Signal Devices (AMS). The principal goals of this research are to explore new frontiers in devices and technologies for analog and mixed-signal applications.
This Call, issued to universities worldwide, may be addressed by an individual investigator or a research team. Our selection process is in two stages. A successfully selected white paper will result in an invitation to submit a full proposal, in a competitive procurement considered to lead to a 2-year research contract. The number and size of the contracts awarded will be determined by the amount of available funds (totaling ~$700K) and by the number of high-quality proposals received. The funding amount or anticipated level of effort is expected to be in the range of $50,000 to $200,000 per year. The intentionally broad funding range is meant to allow a bidder flexibility to propose sufficient effort and resources to accomplish the objectives. Proposals offering funding leverage are strongly encouraged. (Leverage funding is amount from other funding sources, related and beneficial to the proposed work.)
Research Needs
Specific and prioritized Research Needs are summarized in a report (research needs document) recently prepared by Device Sciences' AMS Technical Advisory Board. Research focusing in the areas of Design, Modeling and Simulation, and Compact Modeling, although may be related to analog and mixed-signal applications, are addressed by separate calls and are not included in this solicitation which is device- and technology-oriented. (For future calls, please go to Funding Opportunities.
The attached table summarizes all research topics related to AMS. Also indicated is the consensus of priorities from our sponsor companies. Among the 24 topics in 5 groups, 5 topics have been identified as high priority (H) and 11 as medium priority (M). We encourage submission in the areas of high priority and they will be weighted more favorably, although all submission will be considered. These areas of high priority are: pushing the analog performance limits of MOSFETs including novel structures such as surround-gate and FinFET, of high-performance bipolar/BiCMOS, and MOSFET power amplifiers.
White Paper Guidelines
White Papers are limited to 2 pages, using at least 10-point font size, and must be submitted via the SRC Web site. Non-compliance with all guidelines will be excluded from consideration.. White Papers must be submitted via the SRC GRC Web site by Thursday, DECEMBER 4, 2008, 3 PM EST/12 PM PST. White papers not meeting these requirements will not be considered.
Please include the following identifying information in your white paper:
- Project title
- Investigator(s) and University
- Principal Author telephone number, mailing address, and e-mail address
Please address the following topics in your white paper:
(Note that the inclusion of general background on the semiconductor industry challenges and general references to Moore's Law may not be the best use of your space).
- Background: Emphasize area and problem to be addressed; match most relevant topic addressed (e.g., 1c, 2b) in the table of Research Needs; describe why research is being done; rationalize value in terms of semiconductor industry needs.
- Approach: Present your strategy for addressing the problem; describe important findings from your research to date; state the role of this research in advancing knowledge and state-of-the-art.
- Objective and Results: What do you plan to accomplish in a 2-year program; what is anticipated output of a successful effort?
- Funding Request Amount: Plan for 2-year program funded by a research contract. Amount should include overhead charged by your institution. Number and degree of students supported.
- Funding Leverage Amount: Leverage funds applicable to the proposed research.
- IP: Identify any pre-existing intellectual property new results will be based on.
Awardees will be expected to:
- Disclose blocking background intellectual property
- Update information about participating students
- Submit publications resulting from sponsored research
- Participate in annual research reviews
- Provide annual reports and pre-defined deliverables
Timetable and Deadlines
Event | Deadline |
Request for White Papers | Monday, October 20, 2008 |
Deadline to Submit White Papers | Thursday, December 4, 2008 (3:00 p.m. Eastern) |
Proposals Requested | Friday, January 23, 2009 |
Deadline to Submit Proposals | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 (3:00 p.m. Eastern) |
Program/Funding Start | Wednesday, July 1, 2009 |
Please direct all technical questions to Kwok Ng (
All other questions and responses should be directed to Jacqui Hall (