Call for White Papers: Compact Modeling
Device Sciences of Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Global Research Collaboration (GRC) is soliciting white papers in the area of Compact Modeling. The principal goal of this industry-driven research is to generate ideas and solutions in compact modeling of advanced semiconductor devices.
Research focusing in modeling and simulation of device and process (TCAD or Technology Computer Aided Design) is addressed in a separate call and is not part of this solicitation. (For future calls, please see the Funding Opportunities page)
This Call, issued to universities worldwide, may be addressed by an individual investigator or a research team. In a competitive procurement leading to a 3-year research contract, our selection process is carried out in two stages. A successful white paper will result in an invitation to submit a full proposal for further consideration. The number and size of the contracts awarded will be determined by the amount of available funds and the number of high-quality proposals received. The anticipated funding level of each project is within the range of $100K per year (includes university overhead charges). The amount of funding requested will be a factor in the selection process. Proposals that include university/government matching funds are desirable.
Research Needs and Priorities
Specific and prioritized research topics are summarized in a report (research needs document) recently prepared by the Device Sciences’ Compact Modeling TAB (Technical Advisory Board). The table in the report summarizes all interested research topics related to compact modeling. They are grouped under four categories: (1) Digital Devices, (2) Analog Devices, (3) Reliability-Related, and (4) Tools and Methodologies. Also indicated is the consensus of priorities from our sponsor companies. Researchers are advised to read the short Research Needs document before writing the white papers. We encourage submissions in the areas of high priority and they will be weighted more favorably, although all submissions will be considered. Also within each topic, researchers are encouraged to propose research targeting longer-term products.
White Paper Guidelines
White Papers are limited to 1 page (including references) using at least 10-point font size, and must be submitted via the SRC website by March 6, 2013 (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT). Submissions not in compliance with all guidelines will be excluded from consideration.
Please include and address the following:
- Identifying information: Project title. Principal investigator’s contacts (telephone number, mailing address, and e-mail address). All co-PIs and affiliations.
- Objective and Results: What do you plan to accomplish in a 3-year program; what is anticipated output of a successful effort?
- Background: Emphasize area and problem to be addressed; identify the best-matched category topic (e.g., 1c, 2b) in the table of Research Needs; describe why research should be performed; rationalize value in terms of semiconductor industry needs.
- Approach: Present your strategy for addressing the problem; describe important findings from your research to date; state the role of this research in advancing knowledge and state-of-the-art.
- Funding Request: Plan for 3-year program funded by a research contract. Amount should include overhead charged by your institution. Number of students supported and their degrees pursued. Please also specify matching funds applicable to the proposed research, if any.
- Background IP: Identify any pre-existing intellectual property on which new results will be based.
Awardees will be expected to:
- Participate in annual project review
- Interact with industry liaisons
- Submit reports for pre-defined deliverables
- Submit publications resulting from sponsored research (not for approval purpose)
- Update information about participating students
Timetable and Deadlines
Event | Date |
Announcement of Call-for-White-Papers | January 25, 2013 |
Deadline to submit white papers | March 6, 2013 (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT) |
Invitation to submit full proposals | April 15, 2013 |
Deadline to submit full proposals | May 23, 2013 (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT) |
Winning proposals notified | July 11, 2013 |
New program start | September 1, 2013 |
Please direct all technical questions to Kwok Ng, Sr. Director of Device Sciences All other questions and responses should be directed to Jacqueline Hall, (, 919-941-9415).