GRC ICSS Featured Publication
Adaptive CPU architecture cuts peak power by 25% with only 5% performance penalty.
Featured Publication
GRC NMS Publication
Novel environmentally friendly PFOS free PAG exhibits promising 193 nm and EUVL performance.
Featured Publication
GRC IPS Featured Publication
A novel x-ray tomography-generated virtual 3D microstructure of solder joints is used to predict failures.
Featured Publication
GRC CADTS Featured Publication
FMCAD '10 best paper shows that SMT techniques can outperform SAT techniques on industry examples.
Featured Publication
Education Alliance Undergraduate Research Program Impacts Workforce
SRC Program Fuels Diversity among Science, Engineering Majors
SRC In The News
FCRP Research Featured in Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design
Heterogeneous 3D ICs could Revolutionize Industry
We apologize for Monday's website service interruption.
And we are extending the TECHCON abstract submission deadline.
National Academy of Engineering Names New Members
SRC researchers elected as new members of the National Academy of Engineering
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Made Possible by Major Grant from Intel Foundation
SRC Education Alliance Undergraduate Research Opportunities Made Possible by Major Grant from Intel Foundation
SRC In The News
2011 Award Programs
Nominations due Tuesday, April 19th For recognition of excellence in education, research, technical innovation, and technology transfer.
SRC and Stanford Develop Unique Combination of Elements for Thermal Nanotape That Transforms Packaging Applications
Novel Nanostructured Materials Promise Longer Device Life for Less Cost than Current Solder Solutions
Press Release
Potential opportunities for nanotechnology in electronics manufacturing
TI Fellow Robert Doering writes in ElectroIQ about nanotechnology's potential.
Directed Block Copolymer Self-assembly for Nanoelectronics Fabrication
Review article by Dan Herr on directed self-assembly for nanoelectronics applications is now available
DARPA funds spintronic and nanomagnet research at FCRP and NRI Centers
DARPA wants a new type of computer logic, funds UCLA and Notre Dame to find it.