Mubadala-SRC Forum on Artificial Intelligence
Defining the future of artificial intelligence hardware systems
SRC's far-reaching impact
Partnership with Abu Dhabi Emirate results in transformation of United Arab Emirates economy
Final report summarizing materials, device and circuit co-design and co-optimization of both hysteretic and non-hysteretic NCFETs.
LMD Featured Publication: Final Report on Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor with Steep Switching Slope and Non-Volatile Functionality
Featured Publication
Final report summarizes the fabrication and characterization of 2D tellurene based TFETs, future directions and challenges.
LMD Featured Publication: Final Report on High-Mobility Narrow Bandgap 2D Materials for TFET Applications
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Hybrid FRAM/SRAM checkpoint approach gives 2X performance improvement and 20% less energy.
SLD Featured Publication: An Energy-Aware Memory Mapping Methodology for Hybrid FRAM-SRAM MCUs in Intermittently Powered IoT Systems
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The Softest Side of SRC
Researchers in the STARnet SONIC Center pioneered wireless sensors for use on NICU babies
Press Release
Computational sprinting can provide a 17% performance boost while allowing temporary operation beyond the thermal design point.
SLD Featured Publication: UTAR: Utility and Thermal Aware Runtime for Online Sprinting Management
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Hotspot analysis method covers 3X larger design space while maintaining realism of the artificially-generated layout patterns.
CADT Featured Publication: Report on Experiments for Enhancing Layout Sensitivity Analysis Results with Design Space Exploration
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Award nominations now open for university researchers and industry liaisons
Recognizing excellence in education, research, and technical innovation
TECHCON 2019 Call for Abstracts – Now Open
The deadline for TECHCON 2019 abstract submissions is 3:00 p.m. ET, April 3, 2019
New security metrics and rules for vulnerabilities including information flow, FSM vulnerabilities, and Trojan insertion.
T3S Featured Publication: Framework for Automated and Systematic Security Assessment of Modern SoCs
Featured Publication
New methodology reduces cell area and power by 18.1% and 36.3% compared to designs implemented with worst temperature assumption.
PKG Featured Publication: Report on the Impact of Thermal on PPA for 3D ICs
Featured Publication
ALD of Ge-Se films using Ge(N(Si(CH3)3)2)2 and ((CH3)3Si)2Se precursors was shown successful.
LMD Featured Publication: Atomic Layer Deposition of TiTe2, and GeSe Films for Non-GST Resistors and Selectors in Next-generation Nonvolatile Memory
Featured Publication
Using aniline as inhibitor, 3.6 nm of TiN ALD was achieved on Al2O3 substrates while no deposition was detected on Ru substrates.
NMP Featured Publication: Development of a Strategy for Area-selective ALD of Nitrides: Selection of Suitable Inhibitor Molecules
Featured Publication
Electromigration median time to fail of Cu/graphene hybrid is 5X longer compared to devices without graphene.
NMP Featured Publication: Integration of Cu/Graphene Hybrid Interconnects with Damascene Process
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