The particular focus of this theme will be ME spintronic devices, which avoid the necessity of switching a ferromagnet – a bottleneck for energy-efficiency and operation speed. The excitation gap in the spin-wave spectrum of an antiferromagnet gives rise to much higher spin-wave frequencies in comparison to those in ferromagnets. Switching of the antiferromagnetic order parameter can be performed at ultra-fast speeds, potentially reaching the THz regime. Thus, using ME antiferromagnets allows for an increase in the switching speed by nearly three orders of magnitude compared to conventional magnetic memory and logic devices. The ME materials also provide a unique way to read out and transmit information: through roughness insensitive boundary magnetization, which is intrinsically coupled to the antiferromagnetic order. Our multidisciplinary research team will exploit the voltage control of interface magnetism in ME antiferromagnets to address the need for nonvolatile, ultra-low power, ultra-fast, and scalable memory and logic.
AMML-T1 Metrics
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3 Projects7 Universities28 Research Scholars10 Faculty Researchers10 Liaisons147 Research Data10 Patent Applications7 Patents Granted