IBM Award for SRC paper
SRC Paper Wins 2010 Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award
Close to 120 papers in computer science, electrical engineering and mathematical sciences published in refereed conference proceedings and journals in 2010 were submitted by IBM Research authors worldwide for the 2010 Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award. One of the four winners selected, “A new graph theoretic, multi-objective layout decomposition framework for double patterning lithography” , is based on work that is in part supported by SRC research. The paper’s authors are Jae-Seok Yang, Katrina Lu, Minsik Cho, Kun Yuan, and David Pan. Professor Pan is an SRC-supported researcher at the University of Texas, Austin, and former SRC student and liaison. Dr. Cho, an SRC student of Prof. Pan, is now at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center.