SRC Champion

The SRC Champion award, first presented in 2018, recognizes a strong advocate for SRC within the community, one who pushes the knowledge of and excitement about SRC throughout their community and beyond. The SRC Champion evangelizes SRC, going above and beyond their normal duties, to expand their company's relationship with SRC. SRC Champions believe passionately in the mission of SRC.
The award is presented at TECHCON.
Award Recipients
2024 Award
Chih-Ming Hung, AVP of Technology at MediaTek
2023 Award
Harsono Simka, Senior Director of the Logic Pathfind Lab at Samsung Electronics
2022 Award
Jim Wieser, Director of University Research and Technology at Texas Instruments
2021 Award
Mondira (Mandy) Pant, TA, Lead Technologist, Intel Design Engineering Group at Intel Corporation
2020 Award
Zoran Zvonar, Fellow and Director of University Programs, Analog Devices, Inc.
2019 Award
David Gundlach, Chief, Nanoscale Device Characterization, NIST
2018 Award
Scott Anderson, Senior Research Scientist, Lockheed Martin Corporation